Effective value in a more complex context


New member
Apr 7, 2022

trying to understand expected value​


i've been studying expected value and all of the exemples are about coins or dices. I understand how to apply the formula in those exemples, but what about something more complexe like poker?
I think the amount you can win is the amount of money in the pot that is not yours.
And the amount of money you can lose is the amount of money in the pot that is yours, but what about your probability to win or lose?
I know it is a vague question, but if you could just give me an exemple it would oriente me on what to search for on the web
Are you familiar with the concept of weighted average? It's often how school calculate your grades.
I am a little, but how does that relate to the probability of winning or losing when you need to beat the hand of an opponent?
I am a little, but how does that relate to the probability of winning or losing when you need to beat the hand of an opponent?
We use probability as the weight to calculate the weighted average or the expected outcome of an event. If the expected outcome is favourable, we should proceed. Otherwise, we shouldn't.

Let's use a simple example. Let's say you're rolling a fair dice. If you roll a six, you win $5 and anything else you lose $5. Now let P be the profit from rolling the dice once.
[math]P = \begin{cases} +5 &\text{if roll a 6} \\ -5 &\text{if roll 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } \end{cases}[/math]Now, we're going to use probability as weights.
\(\displaystyle \Pr(6)=\frac{1}{6}\)
\(\displaystyle \Pr(\text{anything else})=\frac{5}{6}\)
So we have:
[math]P = \begin{cases} +5 &\Pr(6)=1/6 \\ -5 &\Pr(\text{anything else)}=5/6 \end{cases}[/math]The expected profit:
[math]E(P)=\$5\left( \frac{1}{6}\right)-\$5\left(\frac{5}{6}\right)\approx -\$3.33[/math]Since the expected outcome is not favourable, you shouldn't play the game. If you were to play this game indefinitely, on average, you would expect to lose $3.33 every game. It should make intuitive sense. Since if you win, you'll win $5, but when you lose, you'll also lose $5. However, the chance of getting a 6 is lower than getting anything else, so you should expect to lose money.