Efficient way of verifying a sum of multiple numbers


New member
Oct 19, 2021

If I have, let's say 1000 numbers or 10k numbers, and they all add up to 100 when combined, what would be the most efficient way to verify that in fact the sum of all of them is 100?

I was thinking of a Merkle Tree, but I'm not really sure how to apply it in this case. I could just do n + n1 + n2 + n3....+ n10k, but that's not really scalable nor efficient.

Thanks beforehand for any help.
Hi dNy! We're sorry for the delay, but the forum was hacked/vandalized. Responses to new members have been delayed.

Are you talking about random numbers?

Unless your 10,000 numbers share known properties or otherwise comprise useful patterns, the only way to verify their sum is to add them. I'd suggest using computer software because you'll need an efficient way to proofread and correct entries. :)