Exponential problem causes argument between family members: (20x^6/(5x^2)^-4


New member
Apr 4, 2019
I had done a test on exponents and I only got one wrong and I was unable to figure out what I was doing wrong so I wrote it down and handed it off to my math wiz family members and long story short it has now devolved into a full scale argument with different answers confusing and further enraging everyone so I came here hoping you guys could figure out the answer to stop the fighting please.

The problem in question--> (20x^6/(5x^2)^-4
What is your answer? Can you show us your work? Also the problem has an unbalanced number of parenthesis as you opened two parenthesis but only closed one so please fix that.
Hello, and welcome to FMH! :)

You have a mismatched number of bracketing symbols. Is the expression

[MATH]\frac{20x^6}{\left(5x^2\right)^{-4}}[/MATH] ?