Find a set of inequalities that describes the constraints.


New member
Jun 18, 2022
John is watching his intake of fat. For dinner he would like to have skinless chicken that has 1.0 fat gram per ounce and a vegetable casserole that averages 0.8 fat gram per ounce. He can have at most 12.0 total fat grams and it is recommended that he eat at least twice as many ounces of vegetables as meat. Let x represent the number of ounces of chicken. Let y represent the number of ounces of vegetables. a. Find a set of inequalities that describes the constraints on the number of ounces of chicken and number of ounces of vegetables that John may have for dinner.
Let x represent the number of ounces of chicken.
Let y represent the number of ounces of vegetables.

a) Find a set of inequalities that describes the constraints on the number of ounces of chicken and number of ounces of vegetables that John may have for dinner.

b) Graph the constraints to find the feasible region defining x and y.
Write he eat at least twice as many ounces of vegetables as meat as an equation (using x and y).
Write he can have at most 12.0 total fat grams as an equation.
Write he eat at least twice as many ounces of vegetables as meat as an equation (using x and y).
Write he can have at most 12.0 total fat grams as an equation.
Hello Steven, this is what I wrote down







2 x 4 = 8

My x variable is 4 and my y variable is 8.
Think about exactly what x and y means and then think if x + y = 12 makes sense.

he eats at least twice as many ounces of vegetables as meat is not represented by y=2x, as the Cat said.
After all, if he eats 2 ounces of meat, does that mean he ate (exactly) 4 ounces of vegetable.