Find bijection between two sets to show equal cardinalities


New member
Feb 23, 2019
Can I have one more question, please?
I have an example here: [MATH]|[0,1)| = |[0,1) \times N| [/MATH]Can you please help me how can I find bijection between these two sets to show that they have equal cardinalities?
Many thanks.
What have you tried? Even if you know what you did is wrong then please show it to us so we can see where you need help. Thanks.
Hello, the only thing that came to my mind is that I can divide [MATH]N[/MATH] into odd and even numbers and find two cartesian products:
[MATH][0,1) \times \{2k; k \in N\}[/MATH] and
[MATH][0,1) \times \{2k+1 ;k \in N\}[/MATH] but I am not sure if that is helpful at all.
Can I have one more question, please?
I have an example here: [MATH]|[0,1)| = |[0,1) \times N| [/MATH]Can you please help me how can I find bijection between these two sets to show that they have equal cardinalities?
Define \(\displaystyle P_0=[0,\tfrac{1}{2})\) now tor \(\displaystyle n>0\) define \(\displaystyle P_n=[\tfrac{n}{n+1},\tfrac{n+1}{n+2})\)
Do you see that \(\displaystyle \bigcup\limits_{k = 0}^\infty {{P_k}} = \left[ {0,1} \right)\). So \(\displaystyle (\forall t\in [0,1), (\exists j)[t\in P_j]\)?
Define \(\displaystyle \Theta: [0,1)\to [0,1)\times N\) by \(\displaystyle \Theta: t\mapsto (t,j)\) .
Can you prove that \(\displaystyle \Theta\) is an injection?
Is there an injection from \(\displaystyle [0,1)\times N\to [0,1)~?\)