Finding area under a curve

Dono Mills

New member
May 18, 2020
I have looked at a lot of tutorials and i cannot seem to figure this out. I do not know what to do, any advice would be helpful.
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You should partition the x-axis from x=2 to x=6 using delta x = (6-2)/n = 4/n where n is the number of rectangles.

So the partition of x will be 2 , 2+1*delta x, 2 + 2*delta x, 2 + 3*delta x , ..., 6
Those are the locations for each base which has a length of delta x =4/n. Now for each base find a height for the rectangle.

View a good video from here
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f(x) apparently is given as f(x)= 5x+ 2. So what is that curve for x> 0? The problem is to find the "area under the given curve". What is the "given curve"? It's obviously NOT y= f(x)!