Finite Differences and Linear Models



I'm studying for an exam and as I have been attempting to work this problem, I realized I don't know what I'm doing. I have a Linear Finite Differences table, but my answers are way wrong.. would someone please remind me of how to get started? I found the slope and that the data has a first difference (and should be a linear model), but that's as far as I got. I tried to find b, but my solutions so far don't match the answer, so I'm guessing I am doing it wrong. Thanks in advance!

Finite differences model: Use finite differences to find a model for the following data, where x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable.

X | Y
0 | 2
1 | 5
2 | 8
3 | 11
4 | 14

-- Alena
Subtract successive values for 'y', making sure the x's are sorted and have the same spacing.

X | Y    First Difference
0 | 2 
1 | 5         5-2 = 3
2 | 8         8-5 = 3
3 | 11       11-8 = 3
4 | 14      14-11 = 3
Hey.. thanks for replying. I got that far, but not sure how to proceed to find the model.

-- Alena
The first differences are all the same so it is generated by a first order equation
Since you have y(0)=2, b=2
Since you have y(1)=5, a+2=5, a=3
The equation is y=3x+2

If the second differences were all the same it would be generated by a second order equation
and could be solved the same way.
Great.. thank you SO much! I knew it should be really simple, but I kept drawing a blank on it. Thanks again, Gene! :)

-- Alena