

New member
Aug 28, 2020
Is this right? Did I simplify it correctly?
For the function f(x)= 4/2×-3 write the formula if the function is shifted down 1 and right 3. Simplify your answer.
Me: 4 over 4(×-3)-1 = 4 over 4x-12-1 -1 = 4 over 4x-13 -1 = 4-2(4×-13)over 4x-14 = 4-8x+26 over 4x-13 = 30-8x over 4x-10 = here is where I forgot how to simplify. My answer was 3-2x.
I totally messed up.
My answer: 4 over 4(x-3) -1 = 4 over 4x-12-1 -1 = 4 over 4x-13-1 = 4-1(4x-13) over 4x-13 = 4-4x++13 over 4x-13 = answer... 17-4x over 4x-13 is that right or can it be simplified more?
I'm not sure what the question is, in part because you used the multiplication symbol × several times in place of the letter x, and mostly because of missing parentheses, as well as inconsistencies with your attempted answers (which seem to lack the 2 and the 3 entirely).

Is the given function [MATH]f(x) = \frac{4}{2}x - 3[/MATH], as you wrote it (ignoring the multiplication sign), or [MATH]f(x) = \frac{4}{2x} - 3[/MATH], or [MATH]f(x) = \frac{4}{2x - 3}[/MATH]? The latter would have been written f(x) = 4/(2x-3). Using parentheses, you don't need to use "over".

Please try again to state the problem and your work clearly.