Fraction Word Problem


New member
Jun 7, 2009
Hi all,
This may be an easy problem for some, but I am absolutely stuck. Can anyone help?

Gloria wants to make a dress and jacket. She needs 1 5/8 yd of 60-in fabric for the dress and 2 5/8 yd for the jacket. How many yards in all does Gloria need to make the outfit?

What are the key words I should be looking for here?

Thanks for all the input!
OH!!!! Big dummy me was trying to make this harder than it had to be! I was trying to convert the fractions into fraction notation, instead of adding outright. :oops:

Think it's time for bed and just hope for the best on the test tomorrow.

Thanks for steering me in the right direction!
Good luck and remember the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Sam !