Geometric Sequences


New member
Mar 21, 2019
So I have been teaching myself Pre-Calculus with a digital book and have probably missed some Pre-requisite information to do the problem so any extra explanation would be greatly appreciated.
The Problem is as follows ;
Determine whether the sequence converges or diverges. If it Converges, give the limit.
60, -10, 5/3, -5/18, ...

I am still unsure how to start and how to find the limit (if it does converge)
First, since you call this a geometric sequence, you need to identify the first term and the common ratio.

Then tell us what facts the book gives you about these. Does it state a condition for convergence? Can you write an expression for the nth term, and observe what happens when n gets very large? (The limit of such a sequence is very simple, when it exists.)

If it's an online book that we could access, perhaps you can tell us the URL and the page number. If not, maybe a screen shot to show us what is being taught, and what is in the immediate context.
The Problem is as follows ; Determine whether the sequence converges or diverges. If it Converges, give the limit.
60, -10, 5/3, -5/18, ...
Have you found the common ratio, \(\displaystyle r~?\) That is the terms of the sequence are \(\displaystyle g_n=60\cdot r^n,~n=0,~1,~2,\cdots\).
In your study have you learned limits like \(\displaystyle \mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } \,{r^n} = ?\)