Graphing systems of Linear inequalities


New member
Jun 14, 2005
Give an example that can be expressed as a linear equation with two variables. and also provide an example of the graph.
Hello, sandra23860!

Give an example that can be expressed as a linear equation with two variables.
Also provide an example of the graph.
Montmorency spend a total of $100 on two types of plants:
perennials at $5 each and annuals at $4 each.

Let x = number of perennials, y = number of annuals.

Then the equation for his purchases is: . 5x + 4y .= .100

The graph is a straight line with x-intercept (20,0) and y-intercept (0,25).

[Note: Since x <u>></u> 0 and y <u>></u> 0, the graph exists in the first quadrant only.]