Having problems with 2x = 9, y = -8/3x + 4, y - 1/3x = -3,


New member
Oct 7, 2006
I need help with my homework, having some difficulty of solving these problems,
not sure when to use Ax+By=C or y=mx+b.

1. 2x = 9
2. y = -8/3x + 4
3. y - 1/3x = -3
4. 2/5x - 7y = 2
5. 3y = 8
6. 2x = -2
7. 6/8x - 7y = 2
8. 5y = 12

Can you please help me tell me step-by-step solutions, or show me. Thank you
Re: Having problems with these equations

Andrea43 said:
Can you please help me tell me step-by-step solutions, or show me.
This is a homework help service.
We do not provide step-by-step instruction.
That is for you instructional institution to provide.
You show us what you have done and we try to help.
I have to find to points of a straight line for the y-intercepts and x-intercepts.

Ex. 3y=8 this what i have done so far

0=8 this is where i get stuck how do solve y and solve x

Ex. 2/5x-7y=2

-7y=2 divide by -7 on both sides
y= -2/7 or -0.29

know to solve for x do i replace x with -2/7 or multiply the reciprocal of 2/5 this is where i get stuck.
For \(\displaystyle \;3y\,=\,8\Rightarrow y\,=\,\frac{8}{3}\) , there are no x - intercepts. This is a horizontal line crossing the y - axis at \(\displaystyle \frac{8}{3}\).


For: \(\displaystyle \L \;-7y\,+\,\frac{2}{5}x\,=\,2\)

To find the the x - intercept, fill in \(\displaystyle 0\) for \(\displaystyle y\): \(\displaystyle \L\;7(0)\,+\,\frac{2}{5}x\,=\,2\)

\(\displaystyle \L \;\frac{2}{5}x\,=\,2\)

\(\displaystyle \L \;x\,=\,5\,\to\,(5,0)\)

To find the y - intercept, fill in \(\displaystyle 0\) for \(\displaystyle x\): \(\displaystyle \L \;-7y\,+\,\frac{2}{5}(0)\,=\,2\)

\(\displaystyle \L \;\,-\,7y\,=\,2\)

\(\displaystyle \L \;y\,=\,-\,\frac{2}{7}\,\to\,(0,\,-\,\frac{2}{7})\)

Andrea, post the problems IN FULL;
makes no sense as you posted them :shock: