Help me with my 8th grade question for a reward, I give xbox code


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Jan 28, 2022
Im doing solving systems by graphing and im stuck on these 2 questions. I need to convert 5x + 5y = 10 and x +2y = 8 to the y=mx+b
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Im doing solving systems by graphing and im stuck on these 2 questions. I need to convert 5x + 5y = 10 and x +2y = 8 to the y=mx+b
y=m*x +b has 'y' terms only on the left-hand-side (LHS) of the '=' system. To achieve that for the first problem, you will need to eliminate the 'x' terms of the LHS by subtracting from both sides.

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I will try to help you but with a different example but the strategy is the same
you need to put your equations in slope intercept from which formula is y=mx+b

so take a look at the y in the formula. y is by itself.
so in your equations you have to get y by itself
I am gonna do it with this example,

put 4x+2y =6 in slope intercept form

I'm gonna locate the y in my equation
4x+2y =6 it's right there, guess what?. Yes, i am gonna try to isolate it, get it by itself.
what's is keeping me from having it all by itself?. yes, the 4x
so let's bring the 4x over to the other side, but don't forget that you need to do the same to both sides of the equation.
so what do you do?. 4x has a plus sing after it so I'm gonna perform the opposite operation. Subtraction!

4x-4x + 2y = 6 -4x
now i am going to cancel the two 4x's
I'm left with 2y
2y= -4x + 6
but the y's still got company. let's get it by itself now once and for all by dividing 2 to both sides becasue the 2 is multiplying the y and the opposite of multiplication is division
2y/2= (- 4x+6)/2
y= (-4x+6)/2
now you have to divisions to make
y= -4x/2 and 6/2
y= -2x+3
and there you have it in slope intercept form same format as in y=mx+b

Hope this helps, follow the patter and you're home free.