Help please with this proving problem.

I did the first step; I've proved the first condition with n=1. I need to prove it for n+1 right now but I can't go further.
I prefer not to use "n", the same symbol that is used in the problem, for a specific value.

Instead "assuming the statement is true for n= k, prove it is true for n= k+ 1".

For n= k the statement is
\(\displaystyle 2(2^1)+ 3(2^2)+ 4(2^3)+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ (k+1)(2^k)= k(2^{k+1})\)

Assuming that is true you want to prove that the statement, when n= k+1,
\(\displaystyle 2(2^1)+ 3(2^2)+ 4(2^3)+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ (k+1)(2^{k+2}= (k+1)(2^{k+2})\).

The reason so "prove by induction" problems involve sums is that the "k+1" statement is just the "k" statement plus one additional term. Since \(\displaystyle 2(2^1)+ 3(2^2)+ 4(2^3)+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ (k+1)(2^k)= k(2^{k+1})\),

\(\displaystyle 2(2^1)+ 3(2^2)+ 4(2^3)+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ k(2^{k+1})+ (k+1)(2^{k+2})=k(2^{k+1})+ (k+1)2^{k+2}\).
We can factor \(\displaystyle 2^{k+1}\) out of that: \(\displaystyle 2^{k+1}(k+ (k+1)^2)\).

Can you finish that?
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