help solving inequality 4x - 2 / x + 4 < 3 in interval not.

4x-2/x+4 < 3 means \(\displaystyle 4x-\frac{2}{x}+4<3\).

Is that what you mean? If not, make correction(s) and show what you have done so far.
nae33 said:
4x-2/x+4 < 3

what is the solution in interval notation?

I think you meant:

\(\displaystyle \frac{4x\, - \, 2}{x\, + \, 4}\, \le \, 3\)

if that is true - then using graphing calculator plot the following functions on the same screen:

\(\displaystyle y \, = \, \frac{4x\, - \, 2}{x\, + \, 4}\)

\(\displaystyle y \, = \, 3\)

Observe their point of intersections and the x-values of those. What are those?

What do you deduce from that?

Does any function become "undefined at any point? What does that tell us about the range of that function?

Tell us about your observations - then we'll discuss solution by algebraic methods.