

New member
Sep 28, 2005

Hey there! I have to complete a Geometry project and I am not sure what website to use! This is what we have to do:

Investigate a Math Website. You must write a critique of the site. Some points of interest would be the use of the site for teachers and/or students, types of math, problems concepts and benifits of the site. These are just some of the things you would use in your paper!

Does anybody know a really really reallly good website that would help me out on this project. I have searched and searched and havent found on!!

Thanks lots!!
What do you mean by "helping" you on this project? You're supposed to find some site and critique it. How can another site do that? Or were you just wanting to copy-n-paste somebody else's reviews?

Please reply with clarification. Thank you.


P.S. I would strongly recommend that you "edit" your post (above) to remove your e-mail address, so it cannot be harvested by bots or other agents. Just FYI...
Sorry about the confusion. I cant find a good site to critique though. I have looked and it doesnt have much to rant and rave about..our teacher will be printing out our classes reviews and giving it out to the whole sophmore class which is like 1000 students so I dont want to do a dumb know?? Do you know of any really good sights that I could critique?
No doubt there are many good sites out on the www, and your job is to review it(good or bad -it still provides you the ability to comment on it). It is sometimes easier to write about issues that are not well done.

However if you want a site to consider here is one I use.....
You can make a judgement of it.
This very site has lessons, guides, and a helpful forum, and the whole thing is free-access. What else are you looking for in a math site to review?

Please be specific. Thank you.


Thank you everyone who replied...I have decided to do this website being that it is free and you can understand what everyone is saying cuz they are all on the same level as you.

Thankssss bunches,