
G'day, Kathy.

Welcome aboard.

Post a question in the appropriate forum (algebra, calculus, geometry etc) with an appropriate subject line (eg. "Derivatives"); show what you have tried and specifically where you are having trouble, and we'll do our best to help you out.
Hi Kathy!
i'm pretty new to this too! hehe, hope u enjoy your time here!
:shock: :lol: 21 days for a response? This isn't even math related.
kathy's said:
Hey thanks so what is your name?
If you're wanting to chat, please go to a chat-room.

Please respect the purpose (and the cost, born by others) of this tutoring forum.

Thank you for your consideration.

kathy's said:
um.. sorry i don't want to chat man I was jsut wondering cuz Ithis person made feel welcome i won't do that sorry...

Stapel isn't a man. :oops: