How do I work this out please


New member
Feb 21, 2020
Antonio and Betty share money in the ratio 4:1. Antonio has £4.50 more than Betty. How much money does each have?
Hi, Kelcy. Welcome!

Please show what ideas you have for solving, or even just for interpreting this. A problem like this can be solved in different ways depending on what you have learned, so we need to see, for example, whether you can handle a little algebra, or would like a visual approach, or what.

Since you put this under Beginning Algebra, we still have the question whether you can handle two variables, or need only one. (I personally wouldn't use algebra at all.)
Let "B" be the money Betty has.

"Antonio and Betty share money in the ratio 4:1"
So how much money does Antonio have, in terms of B?

"Antonio has £4.50 more than Betty."
So what does this say about B and the money Antonio has?

Those two descriptions of the amount of money Antonio has must be equal so you get an equation to solve for B.
What equation does that give?