How to factor 4x(3x+1)^2 +6x^2?


New member
Oct 3, 2021
How to factor 4x(3x+1)^2 +6x^2?

We have to use the GCF method.
I found the GCF to be 2x. At a certain point I get 18x^2 + 2 + (3x) [with GCF in front].

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
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You got the right GCF! But FOIL out [imath](3x + 1)^2[/imath] again. What happened to the Outer and Inner terms?

We have to use the GCF method.
I found the GCF to be 2x. At a certain point I get 18x^2 + 2 + (3x) [with GCF in front].

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
18x^2 + 2 + (3x) is a quadratic function.

Do you know how to factorize a quadratic function?
How to factor 4x(3x+1)^2 +6x^2?

We have to use the GCF method.
I found the GCF to be 2x. At a certain point I get 18x^2 + 2 + (3x) [with GCF in front].

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
(a+b)2 is NOT a2+b2
25 = 52 = (3+2)2 = 32+ 22= 9 + 4 = 13. Since 25 does not equal 13 at least one of those equal signs MUST be wrong. Find them!
\(\displaystyle 4x(3x+1)^2 +6x^2\)
\(\displaystyle =2x[2(3x+1)^2+3x]\)
\(\displaystyle =2x[2(9x^2+6x+1)+3x]\) .... you had missed the middle term 6x (as Post#2 and #4 pointed out)
\(\displaystyle =2x[18x^2+12x+2+3x]\)
\(\displaystyle =2x[18x^2+15x+2]\)
\(\displaystyle = ... \) up to you now to factorise the quadratic.