How to find the minimum dimension?


New member
May 5, 2019
A can containing 13.5 in3 of tuna and water is to be made in the form of a circular cylinder. What dimensions of the can will require the least amount of material?
Formula for Volume of a Right Circular Cylinder? Good place to start.

Formula for Total Surface Area of the same? Good place to continue.
Formula for Total Surface Area want to take with base and top or just the base?

You are essentially being asked to find the dimensions of a right circular cylinder having a particular volume, which minimizes the entire surface area, which will include the top, bottom and lateral areas.

Are you in Calc I or Calc III?
A can containing 13.5 in3 of tuna and water is to be made in the form of a circular cylinder. What dimensions of the can will require the least amount of material?
It is a can of tuna, so yes it will have a top and bottom.