How to graph a triple integral?


New member
Apr 6, 2020
What software can be used to graph a triple integral? Is there any software that can be used to graph a triple integral with polar coordinates? Is there a difference between integrating this using cylindrical coordinates and cartesian coordinates?

I am trying to graph: [MATH] \int_0^π \int_0^1 \int_0^{1-\sqrt{1-r^2}} r \; \mathrm{dz\; dr\; dθ} [/MATH]
Could anyone graph this for me please, and tell me the used software! Thank you for your help!!
Yea. I am aware that it is a definite integral and I apologize if I wasn’t clear enough. How do you graph the region for the integral? And does the cylindrical coordinates change the answer
Is this what you're after?


I used Mathematica. There's a program free online called Desmos. That might be persuaded to graph in cylindrical coordinates. I'm not sure.

Cylindrical coordinates won't change the answer at all. The integral is what it is in any coordinate system.