I am stuck on this


New member
Nov 21, 2005
Any help would be appreciated!

A town has a population of 18,500. 17% are under 21 years of age. 24% are 21 or over but less than 35. 33% are 35 or over but less than 60. 20% are over 60 but less than 75. The rest are 75 or over. If you have to be 21 or over to be on a jury, what percentage of the population can serve on a jury?

I. 94%
II. 6%
III. 74%
IV. 83%
V. 57%
VI. none of these
Hello, iamtoostinky!

Did you read the problem carefully?
Most of the stuff is designed to confuse you . . . did it work?

A town has a population of 18,500.
17% are under 21 years of age.
24% are 21 or over but less than 35.
33% are 35 or over but less than 60.
20% are over 60 but less than 75.
The rest is 75 or over.

If you have to be 21 or over to be on a jury, what percentage of the population can serve on a jury?

\(\displaystyle (I)\;94\%\;\;(II)\;6\%\;\;(III)\;74\%\;\;(IV)\;83\%\;\;(V)\; 57\%\;\;(VI)\text{ none of these}\)

We are told that: 17% are under 21 years of age . . . They can't serve on a jury.

That means that the other 83% are 21 or older . . . They can serve on a jury.

Therefore . . . um . . . (Where's my calculator? \(\displaystyle \;\)What formula should I use?)