Integration by parts (Fourier Series)


New member
Apr 10, 2021

I'm trying to work out the Fourier series coefficients for a triangular wave form.

So far I have got as far as:

\(\displaystyle C_n = \frac{1}{T} \left( \int_0^\frac{T}{4} \frac{4At}{T}e^{-j2π\frac{n}{T}t} dt + \int_\frac{T}{4}^\frac{3T}{4} \left( 2A - \frac{4At}{T} \right) e^{-j2π\frac{n}{T}t} dt + \int_\frac{3T}{4}^T \left( \frac{4At}{T} - 4A \right) e^{-j2π\frac{n}{T}t} dt \right) \)

I try integration by parts but seem to get lost, I know I should end up with:

\(\displaystyle C_n = \frac{A}{π^2 n^2} \left( 2e^{-jπ\frac{n}{2}} - 1 - 2e^{-jπ\frac{3n}{2}} + e^{-j2πn} \right) \)

Is anyone able to show how to get to the answer? Thanks in advance!
Quite a monster! If I was doing this I'd split up terms like this...

\(\displaystyle \int_\frac{T}{4}^\frac{3T}{4} \left( 2A - \frac{4At}{T} \right) e^{-j2π\frac{n}{T}t} dt\)

in the following way...

\(\displaystyle =\int_\frac{T}{4}^\frac{3T}{4} 2A e^{ct} dt - \int_\frac{T}{4}^\frac{3T}{4} \frac{4At}{T} e^{ct} dt \,\) where \(\displaystyle c=-j2π\frac{n}{T}\)

\(\displaystyle =2A \int_\frac{T}{4}^\frac{3T}{4} e^{ct} dt - \frac{4A}{T} \int_\frac{T}{4}^\frac{3T}{4} t e^{ct} dt\) that the whole integration is broken down into two basic integration problems

\(\displaystyle \int e^{ct} dt \,\) and \(\displaystyle \, \int t e^{ct} dt\)

Obviously it will be a bit messy/ long so be careful as you go. If you're still struggling please post your work. (I have not checked that the answer can be obtained from your equation)
Thanks for the tip! I'll have another go this weekend and post my work!