Intersection of two known triangles: planet Mercury and Egyptian pyramid


New member
May 1, 2017
Hi all once again this is a question from my Egyptian studies and I desperately need your help in this question.

Is there enough knowns to solve for the question marks ? and if there is can you tell me how to discover them.

Here is the image.


Thanks in advance
Assuming that the picture is symmetric you have more than enough data to figure out the height of the intersection point and its distance from the center. Are you familiar with straight equations in 2D? In particular, what is the equation of the straight line containing points (0,h) and (w,0) ?

Once you get that you will have a system of two linear equations with two variables. Solving it will give you your point.

Does this make sense?
Er ... sorry no. Sounds way above my head. Talking Grade 12 math skills here.
Er ... sorry 43.3833 was a given as was the base of 361.8 and the height of 201.165 the rest (actually only one other in red and the one height of 260.28) were the only ones I calculated using simple trig from the angles supplied. I have run into this before and just can't seem to see the solution although I am working on it.
