Least Worst Option (autonomous wheeled robot)


New member
Apr 7, 2023
I am working on an autonomous wheeled robot as a retirement hobby project and have now reached a point where I need to score (least worst option) possible exits from a dead end. The robot lives in the middle of a 201 by 201 virtual world made of 1cm cells that are populated by obstacles detected by its sensors. With some wonderful math help from this forum I can now detect and accurately quantify:
1. The Robot Steering Angle to center of an Exit. 2. The Aperture of the Exit and 3. The distance to the Exit.
As can be seen in the image below there are Three possible Exits at this dead end, one to the left (Port), one to the Right (Starboard) and Turn 180 deg. and go back the way it came.

What I would like is a way of scoring these possible Exits so I can assign a value to them then sort them in a Least Worst Option order.
Thing to consider are:
The Amount the Robot has to turn. (a 180 being the worst option)
The Width of the Exit Aperture. (Although the Robot should fit through all the possible Exits, the narrower the Exit the more likely a collision.)
The distance to the Exit. (I put this in as least mileage best option, maybe not be relevant )
So is there a method/way to score these Exits, think this maybe some kind of weighted problem?
I have put below some number for the three Exits options below:
Left (Port) Exit Steering Angle is 259 Deg, Aperture is 48cm, Distance to middle of Exit Aperture is 47cm
Right (Starboard) Exit Steering Angle is 88 Deg, Aperture is 36cm, Distance to middle of Exit Aperture is 48cm
Reverse Exit Steering Angle is 183 Deg, Aperture is 83cm, Distance to middle of Exit Aperture is 89cm
BTW the Robots current heading is 358 deg. and the width of the Robot is about 18cm
There maybe no perfect solution to this problem, hence I guess I am fishing for ideas, feel free.
Many thanks in advance IMK

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