Lets try just one problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Factorise 3x-6 (bring out a factor of 3), x^2-4 (it's a difference of two squares), and 2x+4 (bring out a ?), and observe some cancellation before and after you multiply.
You need more ()s (I think)
8x/(3x-6) * (x^2-4)/(2x+4) =
8x/(3(x-2)) * (x-2)(x+2)/(2(x+2)) = ???
Can you take it from there?

P.S. Gotta learn to type faster.
what do you mean bring out a factor of 2??????? so i would have a fraction in the denominator i am sorry i just dont understand what you mean by this.........
factor just the 8x/3x-6, or both???? how do i factor out a 2? divide by 2? then there is a fraction in the denominator???????????
ok but what do i take 3 out of?
i dont get how to do any part of this problem..... i havent hada math class in like 4 + years and i don't use these fromulas everyday so i forgot how to doa alot, thank you for all the help you have given me, but can you please elaborate :cry:
Look at my post. I followed his instructions and you should see how his factoring works with the 2 & 3.