Month and Year to pay off all Loans


New member
Feb 10, 2023
I have 4 Loans for $1,000 each ($4,000 total). How can I calculate the last month and year left to pay off all of my loans?

All Loans: $4,000
Paid Off: Sept. 2023

Y = Years
M = Months
L = Loans
P = Paid Off

I need a math formula like:
Y x M - L = P
What are the conditions on the loans? E.g., are monthly payments specified? What about the interest rates?
$100 a monthly payments each loan. No interest rates are specified.
Without interest payments you cannot figure out the exact time.
If the interest rate is zero, how long will it take to pay off $1000 by paying $100 each month?
In general, for interest rate, [imath]r > 0[/imath].

[math]n = \dfrac{\log\left(1-\dfrac{PV \times r}{ A}\right)}{-\log(1 + r)}[/math]
  • PV = present value or the loan balance
  • A = the amount of each payment
  • r = the discount rate, or the interest rate
  • n = the number of periods over which the loan is paid
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