Need help with equivalent fraction with changed sign...


New member
May 26, 2007
The problem reads: If the signs of the fraction are changed, what fraction is equivalent to the given fraction?

-a+ 2b / 2x - y

I think you can change the sign of the fraction to - , then drop the - in the numerator a - 2b / 2x - y

any help is appreciated
jfls43 said:
The problem reads: If the signs of the fraction are changed, what fraction is equivalent to the given fraction?
The answer hasn't changed since your other thread: If you change all the signs, all you've done is multiply through by (-1)/(-1) = 1, and multiplying by 1 doesn't change anything.

If your instructor means something else, it is to be regretting that s/he cannot communicate more clearly. We can only work with what we're given, and I'm afraid the mathematical facts stand. It is understandable that you might be frustrated by the poorly-framed assignment, but fixing this isn't something we can accomplish. Sorry.

jfls43 said:
-a+ 2b / 2x - y
It probably would help if you improved your notation.

These are not the same:

-a+ 2b / 2x - y

(-a+ 2b) / (2x - y)

You tell me the difference, and it isn't just the existence of the parentheses.
You're being told to use parentheses when necessary;
that's got nothing to do with using wrong keys :shock:

If you want to divide a by "the sum of b and c", then: a / (b + c)
If you want to divide a by b then add c, then: a/b + c
Kapish kapush?