Need Help with this math problem..


New member
Aug 17, 2005
A craftsman making decorative bird houses has invested $350.00 in materials. He plans to sell his houses at craft and garden shows for $14.99.

a. Set up a model, draw a graph, and determine an equation to calculate his profit.
b. Use the graph to estimate how many bird houses he would have to sell to break even.
c. Use the equation to determine how many bird houses he would have to sell to break even.
d. How many birdhouses would he have to sell in order to make a profit of $250.00?
The graph is a line of
y = 14.99*x
which is the profit equation for selling x houses.
You want x for y=350 and y=600
i am confused what you told me, is that for a, b, c, d , what will be the independent on the graph and what will be the dependent

thanks for you help
As is usual, x is independent and y (the amount of money taken in) is dependent on x.
For b & c you want y to be 350 'cause that point is where he breaks even.
For d you want y to be 600 (350+250).
What is the difference between the domain of the linear function obtained and the domain within the context of the problem?
iknow little math, but cant do word problems. for a how do you set up a model, draw a graph(i know how but put what #s for the x and y axis)

the equation is y= 14.99 x you saying
The y will go from 0 to 600.
The x will go from 0 to 40.
Those are the highest #s you are interested in so the domain for the problem is 0 to 40. The domain for y = 14.99*x (but for the graph I would use 15. That is closer than you can read a graph anyhow.) is minus infinity to plus infinity.

For the graph y=15*x
When x = 0 y = 0 so put a dot at (0,0)
When x = 10 y = 150 so put a dot at (10,150)
Connect them with a line that stops at (40,600)
how do i do a table for it (my independent and dependent)

so what is the answer to using the equation to determine how may bird houses he would have to sell to break even.(the exact answer). How many will he have to sell to make a profit of $250
If he sold 40 at 14.99 he would get only 599.60 with a profit of exactly 249.60.
He starts making SOME profit at 24 sales.