Need to improve math skills


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Hi, is there any good website that can teach me and refresh my elementary math skills. I would like free resources either from a website or a book that i can read but then use a website to practice problems. I want to relearn everything again but my main focus is on simplifying equations. Normally at the algebraic level I struggle at times to simplify equations meaning I can do them but it takes me time. I want to get used to it enough that I can fly by past doing them without having to wait a couple minutes and think about it. So, this goes by reducing large fractions to smaller ones when multiplying fractions. I know how to do them I just think I need to refresh myself and do some practicing to get used it again because i can do them just takes longer for me than it should. I would appreciated good resources even if it's paid. I'm willing to pay but those resources should explain to me in great detail each step of the process. In my elementry school we were mostly rushed thru these concepts where as long you understood how to get from step one to getting the answer that's all they cared. I gotten A's but felt like I never understood fully the concepts. I can get the answer but don't know why it's the answer if you get what I am saying. this was from elementry all the way to algebra and higher maths. I am right now at the point where I can write programs and code good but now want to get a master command over math and feel need to start over and not just get a refresher but practice it but this time really want to understand why the answer is the answer.
… my main focus is on simplifying equations … just think I need to refresh myself and do some practicing … I would appreciate good resources …

Hello. A good first start is to spend some time using a search engine. (I've also used public libraries and stores that sell used books, when looking for practice problems or review.) For example, you could google phrases like these:

free algebra lessons

free algebra worksheets

free algebra textbooks

Textbooks contain lots of practice exercises. If you're looking for something specific, try specific keywords.

free worksheets rational functions

Ultimately, everyone decides for themselves which resources are good. (When I search for stuff, I try different sources until I find one I like.)

This forum is another resource, when you see something you don't fully understand or you'd like additional explanation. Cheers

For some people maths is too abstract. People with artistic flares often find maths difficult because they see nothing unusual about problems and ideas without an exact answer and so see a pure maths problem as pointless. Those who love maths like the fact there is only one correct answer and it must be found and get great joy from that accomplishment especially if they are better than others at doing it. If you are of the first type try to find and practise problems that reflect a real life situation and avoid a pure maths problem. This will stimulate your brain to remember and help you to solve new problems. People who think differently, in maths, are rare and you could be one of them.