perimeter of a square. one side is 10x the other side is 4x-9. I'm having trouble figuring it out


New member
Feb 5, 2024
perimeter of a square. one side is 10x the other side is 4x-9. I'm having trouble figuring it out
perimeter of a square. one side is 10x the other side is 4x-9. I'm having trouble figuring it out

You have posted three pieces of information (the shape in question and expressions for the lengths of two sides), but have not asked an actual question. At a guess, are you supposed to be using information about squares, along with the two expressions, to solve for the value of [imath]x[/imath]? If so, please show us what you've tried so far. If not, please clarify what is going on (and show us what you've tried so far). ("Read Before Posting")

Please be complete. Thank you!
perimeter of a square. one side is 10x the other side is 4x-9. I'm having trouble figuring it out
I think the problem may be asking you first to use the fact that this is a square (all sides equal) to solve for the variable x, and then to use that to find the perimeter of the square.

It would help if you show the problem exactly as given, ideally as an image including any picture that is part of it. This is particularly valuable because the problem as I interpret it doesn't have a solution -- the sides work out to negative numbers, which is impossible. So there is either an error in the problem, or a mistake in your copying.

Did you write an equation yet? The more you show of your own thinking, the better we can help.
perimeter of a square. one side is 10x the other side is 4x-9. I'm having trouble figuring it out
I'm "having trouble figuring it out" too!

As pointed out, every side of a "
square" is the
same length therefore, the two expressions you've been given must be equal to each other so you can set up an equation that will allow you to solve for the value of "x".

Once you know what "x" is you can easily find the length of the sides (check that you get the same length using both the given expressions) and then work out the Perimeter or the Area (or whatever else the question might ask you to find).

However, the expressions you have posted give a negative value for "x" (which should not be the case in the situation as far as you have described it)! 🤷‍♂️

Are you sure the "other side" was given as: "4x-9"? Was it not, perhaps, given as "4x+9"? 🤔

Please post the complete problem as it was presented to you.

You can upload a picture of it (and that is, in fact, probably preferable to you typing it out).

Please get back to us with that as soon as you can.