Perimeter of Odd Shapes on a Geoboard


New member
Apr 20, 2010
I have a education math course at CofC, and a few questions concerning the use of geoboards:

How do you go about finding the area & Perimeter of an odd shape, say with 5 sides, on a geoboard. Mainly on a paper printed version?
Thank You
That can be tricky depending on the shape...but,

For the area, you can almost always break down any shape into rectangles and triangles. Find the area of each, and add them up.

For perimeter, you will have to find the length of each side of the shape and add. You should be able to do this using trigonometry (each side of the shape is a hypotenuse to some right triangle on the geoboard, so if you know the distances between each peg, you could also use pythag. therom as well.)