Planes and Lines intersect?


New member
Aug 26, 2006
The directions are Draw and label a figure for each relationship.

The exercise is Planes M and N intersect in line HJ.

I was thinking that the two planes would be horizontal or vertical and the line going through the planes. Is that right or is there something else I have to do to it. I'm a little confused now.
Take two sheets of paper. Make straight cuts from an edge to in about halfway across each sheet. Interlock the sheets by inserting the slots into each other.

The sheets represent the two planes. Their intersection is the "line" formed where they cross.

OMG.. Thank you so much. My mom was trying to figure that one out too.
kim09 said:
My mom was trying to figure that one out too.

Wow I would never ask my mom about math. You must be lucky to have a mom that knows some Algebra lol.
LOL. She doesn't really know Algebra that well. My dad didn't even know what I was talking about. lol