Please help with this: In triangle XYZ, side y is 8cm, side z is 5cm, and the measure of angle Y is 75 deg; find the length of side x

Referring to your (modified) picture, below, (qv)...

In the circled section there is only one thing you don't know, so you can easily find it.

Remember: \(\displaystyle \boxed{\frac{a}{b}=\frac{c}{d}\implies d=\frac{c\times b}{a}}\)

If you know two of the angles in a triangle, then third is easily found and, once you know the measure of \(\displaystyle \color{blue}\angle YXZ\) then the only thing left to find is "x"


Please now come back and show us your working and result, thank you.

Hope that helps. 😊
Post #5 was reported. I asked for it to be deleted and requested for a permanent
ban on Mariodav94 for posting it.
Post #5 was reported. I asked for it to be deleted and requested for a permanent
ban on Mariodav94 for posting it.
How did post #5 get past "approval" process?

May be our data base has been hacked!!
Last edited:
How did post #5 get past "approval" process?

May be our data base has been hacked!!
This is the second in a couple days, using an old account in the same way (to get past moderation). I reported it as such this morning.