Polygon with 180 degrees? (polygon has n>5 sides, int. angles form arith. seq., smallest angle 84*, common diff. 4*)

I'm just trying to make you a tougher math student. If I did the reverse, then I am truly sorry.
Thanks. I agree its right to point it out. The use of correct mathematical language is clearly super important but just wasn't the direction i wanted this thread to go into. I have observed this on this forum at other times ( not saying you) so overtime it will not encourage others to post. Anyway, in this case - no harm done.
Thanks. I agree its right to point it out. The use of correct mathematical language is clearly super important but just wasn't the direction i wanted this thread to go into. I have observed this on this forum at other times ( not saying you) so overtime it will not encourage others to post. Anyway, in this case - no harm done.
For whatever it's worth I delayed my post so that you could get your answer and then I made my comment.