Printer's Devilry: Dippin' Sauce, Burger King and Yo' Mama!


Elite Member
Apr 22, 2015
The dayshift printer typeset a wall chart listing steps for making Homemade Veggie-Bacon Dippin' Sauce at a local factory. The chart was scheduled for printing during nightshift, but the night guy tossed a bunch of letters from the chart's very first line, instead!!

He later claimed the type had not been properly secured and the entire first line was lost, when actually he had used the remaining letters (GET WHOPPER WITH BACON) for a Burger King poster he was printing on the sly.

Here is the chart's very first line, showing where letters were tossed:

?) G???E T?? ????????? ??W? HOPPER WITH BACON

Amazingly, those same tossed letters (when properly grouped in their original order) spell out exactly what I showed yo' mama, after she served me rodent stew that very same night!

Here is the proper grouping of the tossed letters:

? ??? ????? ? ?????? ??

What did the chart's first line say, before those letters were tossed?

What did I show yo' mama, exactly?
