Probability of 5 design variables!


New member
Jun 15, 2017
Hi All,

I am working on a problem where I have to create a matrix of 32 rows x 5 columns of 5 design variables with upper and lower bounds. The design variables are as follow;

Lower BoundUpper Bound
x1 0.510.58
x2 0.510.65
x3 0.050.15
x4 0.050.16
x5 0.20.15

The matrix should be in the follwoing form;
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

Can someone suggest how to combine these number to come up with a 32X5 matrix?

Many thanks in advance,
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Well, the first 10 rows should be relatively obvious. Just define your boundary constraints.

After that, it's pretty hard to tell. Surely you've more information. What are you building? What materials/resources are required? Ho long does it take to manufacture? How do the design constraints interact?