Probability Question


New member
Jun 2, 2020
Hi, I am in grade 6 and I do not understand the equation required to determine the answers for this question. Please explain if you can. Thank you.
I have uploaded the image of the question.Snakes.png
I will help you with one of them and then you try the rest. If you can't do them then you need to tell us where you are having trouble and then we will help.

1st I want to point out that 2 or more of these 12-sided pieces are called dice while just one is a die (not dice!)

I am assuming that you are done when you land on #32 (or is it the next position??)

Jane has an 11/12 of a chance of reaching the end on her next turn. That means if she gets a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 or 11 she gets to the end. Note that I included the lowest 11 numbers. Since she can get to the end if she gets just a 1 then she must be on space number 31.
Thank you for answering the question. I just found out the answers from Googling the answer key and I will list them below, but now I have more questions as the answer is different than yours.

Jane 30
Tom 19
Rob 20
Lauren 14
Fran 10

Are you able to explain to me how you get 30 for Jane? Then I can figure out the rest. I need to show my teacher my work so having the answer doesn't help because I don't know the process.

Thanks again for answering.

UPDATE - I think I figured it out somewhat from your initial explanation. THANK YOU
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