Problem solving


New member
Sep 8, 2020
"There are 15 married couples in a dressing room. The photographer is tasked to take a picture of each couple outside, but when he peeks into the room he sees that everyone is walking around, talking to other people. There is no way for him to know which partner belongs to each person. At least how many people must he call out of the room so that he is sure that there is at least one married couple present?" this questions is really confusing, can I ask for a bit of guidance
The question is not clear. You need to define a couple! Is it a man and a woman or maybe a man and man or woman and woman?

Assuming a man and woman make a couple. So you call out one man and keep him outside. To be sure to get a couple you need to call out how many woman? So the answer is?

Assuming any two sexes make a couple. You call out one man. So how many other people must you call out to be sure you have a couple?
I think you're supposed to assume gender doesn't matter. This is equivalent to picking socks from a drawer in the dark, wanting to be sure you get at least one matching pair. There are 30 socks ... what is the worst case?