Problem with a circle of numbers


New member
Jan 25, 2020
Numbers are written in a circle. In this circle of numbers there are m numbers which are equal to 2, so the other numbers of the circle are equal to 1. Every number x in the circle is adjacent to two numbers of which at least one is not equal to x. Every number x is multiplied by the numbers that x is adjacent to: y and z. Sum of all of the multiplications xyz is equal to 2021202. Find all of the possible m values.
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I'd start off by considering all possible chains of number 2 under this system, so let A be an element of { 2, 22, 222, 2222, ... }. Which of these chains could A be, given the rules you mention, also given that " 1A1 " is to be a sub-section of the circle? How would you continue?