Projectile Motion, Please HELP ASAP


New member
Mar 23, 2005
the girl always throws the toys at an angle of 30 from point a as shown. Determine the time between throws so that both toys strike the edges of the pool B and C at the same instant.
With what Speed must she throw each toy?

.25m is the height of the pool.

I don't know how to start since I don't know the initial velocity or time in the air. I will appreciate if somebedy could give a solution or hints to this problem. thanks. Also I do not know which equations to use since we didn't cover them in class.
Are you sure that no further information was given for this problem?

Equations that may be required are:

v^2 = u^2 + 2as
v=u +at
s=ut + (1/2)at^2

where v - final velocity
u- initial velocity
t - time
s - displacement
a- acceleration

also need to resolve the velocity into horizotal(cos) and vertical(sin) parts.