Prove this is never positive


New member
Jul 14, 2020
Prove that 3(x+1)(x+7) - (2x+5)² is never positive

So far, I have got:

(x+1)(x+7) = x²+8x+7
(2x+5)²=(2x+5)(2x+5)= 4x²+20x+25
Because it will always be multiplied by -1, it is never positive

This is out of 5 marks but I only got 4 marks. I don't know where the remaining mark is........
There is a small typo in (3x²+24x+21)-(4x+20x+25)=x²-4x-4. It should be (3x²+24x+21)-(4x2+20x+25) =-x2+4x-4=-(x-2)2. So the correct final expression should be -(x-2)2 which is always non positive. So what is missing?
You have x instead of x2. I assume that was a typo.

The real problem is that you did three subtractions and got two wrong.

3-4 = 1 is not correct.
24-20 = -4 is not correct.
21-25 = -4 is correct.