Proving Trig Identities: cos x (csc x - sec x) = cot x - 1

Sometimes you just don't see it.

Have you tried turning csc and sec into sin and cos?
Yeah I turned csc x into 1/sin x and sec x into 1/cos x and cot into cos x / sin x.
\(\displaystyle \L
\cos (x) \cdot \csc (x) = \frac{{\cos (x)}}{{\sin (x)}} = \cot (x) \\
\; \\
\cos (x) \cdot \sec (x) = \frac{{\cos (x)}}{{\cos (x)}} = 1 \\
Re: Proving Trig Identities: cos x (csc x - sec x) = cot x -

Hello, Verde77!

How is \(\displaystyle \cos x (\csc x\,-\,\sec x)\:=\:\cot x\,-\,1\,\) proved?
First of all, do NOT work with both sides of the identity.
Try to make one side (usually the "messier" one) equal to the other side.

The left side is: \(\displaystyle \,\cos x(\csc x\,-\,\sec x) \;=\;\cos x\left(\frac{1}{\sin x}\,-\,\frac{1}{\cos x{\right)\)

Multiply: \(\displaystyle \;\cos x\,\cdot\,\frac{1}{\sin x}\:-\:\cos x\,\cdot\,\frac{1}{\cos x} \;\;= \;\;\frac{\cos x}{\sin x}\,-\,1\;\;=\;\;\cot x\,-\,1\;\) . . . There!