Rearrange coins A and B


New member
Oct 1, 2007
I think that I have figured out this POW but I would like for someone to check it for me. Thanks for the help!!

@ O @ O
A @ O @
@ O @ O
B @ O @

@ = shaded coin
O = unshaded coin
A = A coin
B = B coin

THE PROBLEM- By touching only coins A and B, rearrange the coins so that all colums feature the same shade. Show your work.

I moved coin A to the end of the second column and moved the other coins in that column to the left one space each. I moved coin B to the end of the last column and moved the other coins in that column to the left one space each. Can the anwer I have be that simple? Just not sure. :D
Do they give you any information regarding whether either of A and B is shaded?

Thank you! :D

Mustang1910 said:
I think that I have figured out this POW but I would like for someone to check it for me. Thanks for the help!!

@ O @ O
A @ O @
@ O @ O
B @ O @

@ = shaded coin
O = unshaded coin
A = A coin
B = B coin

THE PROBLEM- By touching only coins A and B, rearrange the coins so that all colums feature the same shade. Show your work.

I moved coin A to the end of the second column (you mean row?) and moved the other coins in that column to the left one space each. I moved coin B to the end of the last column and moved the other coins in that column to the left one space each. Can the anwer I have be that simple? Just not sure. :D
>By touching only coins A and B, rearrange the coins so that all colums (sic) feature the same shade. Show your work.

Are you sure of the wording? If you rotate the whole arrangement 45° clockwise, EACH column will be either of shade "O" or "@". If you want "ALL columns" of the same shade, then you are going to have to change all the "O"s to "@"s or visa versa.

Furthermore, I am suspicious of the word "touching". Can this include touching the coin and in so doing, shoving the other coins into some other position?
Hello, Mustang!

This is a classic trick question . . .
[Important: the coins must be touching each other.]

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}@\:0\:mad:\:0 \\ A\:mad:\:0\:mad: \\ @\:0\:mad:\:0 \\ B\:mad:\:0\: @\end{array} \qquad \qquad\begin{array}{ccc}@&=&\text{shaded coin}\\0&=&\text{unshaded coin}\\A &=&\text{A coin}\\B&=&\text{B coin}\end{array}\)

PROBLEM: By touching only coins A and B, rearrange the coins
so that all columns have the same shading.

I moved coin A to the end of the second row and moved the other coins
. . in that column to the left one space each.
I moved coin B to the end of the last row and moved the other coins
. . in that column to the left one space each.

Can the answer be that simple? . . . . Yes!

The secret is in the word "touching", which we might assume means
. . "by moving A and B to another location."

Your solution is correct!

Move coins A and B to the far right and PUSH that row to the left,
. . thus aligning the coins.

. . \(\displaystyle \begin{array}{ccccccc} @ & 0 & @ & 0 \\ & @ & 0 & @ & A & \Leftarrow\;\text{push!}\\ @ & 0 & @ & 0 \\ & @ & 0 & @ & B & \Leftarrow\;\text{push!}\end{array}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{And we get: }\;\;\begin{array}{cccc}@ & 0 & @ & 0 \\ @ & 0 & @ & A \\ @ & 0 & @ & 0 \\ @ & 0 & @ & B \end{array}\)
