Riddles in Math...I am stumped!


New member
Feb 8, 2019
Hello all! I received a few riddles that require a creative or reasonable solution. Any help to the following are appreciated! We are covering tiling and symmetry topics right now, but the questions were from another book. I suspect they are related:

1.) Why did the financial advisor like to spend his vacations canoeing up and down the rivers?

2.) Why did the disconsolate young girl spend all day walking along the edge of the road?

3.) Why was the new pickle so distraught?

4.) Its bottom is hidden, Its head hard to find; Its mouth always open as it speaks to mankind.
Aside from any snarky comments...

3) He saw the salad dressing.

What does this have to do with Math?

Hey Topsquark, I appreciate the attempt. I didn't intend on wasting anyones time....I thought it could be completely math related and I was just missing it. I kind of used your answer on that one.....I said he saw Relish. Thanks again!