SAT manuals


New member
Nov 8, 2011
i have issues when encountering these problems.

Central high has 1/12 of the students absent, 1/5 of those present were on a field trip, that left 704 students at the school. What is the total enrollment at Central High. I know from looking at this that I can guess the answer will probably be 900 + but stuck.

i have issues when encountering these problems.

Central high has 1/12 of the students absent, 1/5 of those present were on a field trip, that left 704 students at the school. What is the total enrollment at Central High. I know from looking at this that I can guess the answer will probably be 900 + but stuck.


Just an FYI - so you know where I am getting off track. It is was first thought to get the common denominator for the 1/12 and 1/5, but that does not work as it is 1/5 of those present are on a field trip not of the total enrollment like the 1/12.