Simplifying Square Roots


New member
Jan 16, 2011
So I was wondering how you would simplify 2a squared + 1 all under the square root sign? I know that 2a squared simplifies to "a" times the square root of 2, but I'm not quite sure what to do with the 1. Help?
Very bad. You do not know that because it is not the case.

\(\displaystyle \sqrt{2a}\;=\;\sqrt{2}\cdot\sqrt{a}\)

This is reasonable, albeit not particularly useful.

\(\displaystyle \sqrt{2a+1}\;=\;\sqrt{2a+1}\)

Unless you can find a common FACTOR in those two TERMS, just leave it alone.

\(\displaystyle \sqrt{2a+2}\;=\;\sqrt{2(a+1)}\;=\;\sqrt{2}\cdot\sqrt{a+1}\)

FNP_sr14 said:
So I was wondering how you would simplify 2a squared + 1 all under the square root sign? I know that 2a squared simplifies to "a" times the square root of 2, but I'm not quite sure what to do with the 1. Help?

sqrt(2a[sup:b15k3j8a]2[/sup:b15k3j8a]) DOES, in fact, simplify to |a| sqrt(2), because a[sup:b15k3j8a]2[/sup:b15k3j8a] is a factor of 2a[sup:b15k3j8a]2[/sup:b15k3j8a]...the absolute value symbol is needed because a square root is understood to be positive.

But, if what you have is sqrt(2a[sup:b15k3j8a]2[/sup:b15k3j8a] + 1), then you have to look at whether the expression under the radical sign has any perfect square factors.. In this case, the only factor of 2a[sup:b15k3j8a]2[/sup:b15k3j8a] + 1 is 1. And removing a factor of sqrt(1) doesn't help simplify anything.

Sometimes, a radical cannot be simplified. In fact, in the grand scheme of things, I'd guess it is more likely than not that a random radical can't be simplified.

mmm4444bot said:
FNP_sr14 said:
2a squared + 1 all under the square root sign

I read this phrase as: sqrt([2a]^2 + 1)

Fair would make our job considerably easier if we did not have to guess at what is actually meant by the problem as posted. 2a[sup:1xiqcxrl]2[/sup:1xiqcxrl] and (2a)[sup:1xiqcxrl]2[/sup:1xiqcxrl] surely don't represent the same algebraic expression....but regardless, the expression in the original post doesn't have any perfect square factor other than one.
Mrspi said:
it would make our job considerably easier if we did not have to guess

I hear you. 8-)

Putting into the Read Before Posting message a few examples of basic text-notation for math is one of the suggestions that I'm thinking of.
