Solid of Revolution problem


New member
Oct 1, 2020
(Please refer to the picture)

This problem is an exercise problem in our calculus class and we were tasked to find the volume using the Washer method. I already sketched it and know what the figure will look like if revolved: like a coin on its side with a funnel-shaped hole through it. But the problem is I don't know what is R (outer radius) and r (inner raidus) are. Is it R=x^2-2x+y=3, r=4-x?


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First and foremost, don't get hung up with x's and y's. Use whatever is convenient and most obvious.
In this case, it's pretty obvious that:
R = 4
r = 4 - y
Worry about transformations later. If you need it in terms of x, then solve x^2-2x+y=3 for y = f(x) and you are on your way. If you need it in terms of y, then solve x^2-2x+y=3 for x = f(y) and you are on your way. (Pick the correct branch, of course - the one that contains (x=0,y=3)).

Second, and only slightly less important, since you are not under exam pressure, do it with shells, too. Keep trying both ways until you get the same answer both ways.
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I have identified the outer and inner radius.
r= 4-(3+2x-x^2)= x^2-2x+1
And since it's only the second quadrant, it's from -1 to 0 only.
Is this correct?
Do we get to see the Shells version or are you tired of this one? :)