Solving [(2/3 x^-1/3)(x-1)^2] + [(2)(x-1)(x^2/3)] for x


New member
Jan 29, 2007
[ (2/3 x ^ -1/3) ( x - 1 ) ^ 2 ] + [ (2) ( x-1) ( x^2/3) ]

i tried dividing by 2/3 x ^ -1/3

but i could only get 2 answers, yet there is 3 roots.

can someone show me how to solve for x completely
Write it out with proper use of parantheses first. It looks ambiguous. I also see no equation. C'mon, you can do better than that.
sorry about that.

i edited my post, hopefully its clearer now

NOOO it's not: there is still no EQUATION; where is the equal sign ?

And what do you mean with stuff like x^2/3?
The way you have it means x^2 divided by 3.
Did you mean x to the power 2/3? If so, then use BRACKETS: x^(2/3)