Sqrt (x) derivative by first principles


Full Member
Mar 9, 2018
I have seen a proof of the derivative of sqrt(x) by first principles and one approach seems to go a little like this:


My question concerns the penultimate line? We can't actually substitute h=0 into the expression, how can we be sure the limit evaluated is correct?
No, but i thought when we take a limit we never actually substitute h=0, we let h tend towards zero which is subtly different?
Strictly speaking you should not write:
[MATH] \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{1}{\sqrt{x+h}+\sqrt{x} } = \frac{1}{\sqrt{x+0}+\sqrt{x} } [/MATH]
but only:
[MATH] \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{1}{\sqrt{x+h}+\sqrt{x} } = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{x}} [/MATH]
Yes but then it feels like there is a missing step in that last line of work ( or missing explanation?). How do we actually know it is true?
Here's a question:
What is lim (x->0) 2x +3 ?

This feels much simpler, I recognise it and know that there is nothing unusual about it, it's linear etc. But thats not the case for the expression involving reciprocal square roots above.
No, but i thought when we take a limit we never actually substitute h=0, we let h tend towards zero which is subtly different?
You thought wrong. For any function that is continuous at x= a, \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\to a} f(x)= f(a)\).
(That's pretty much the definition of "continuous".) And as long as we have no square roots of negative numbers or divisions by 0 a function like this is continuous. It's only when we have square roots of negative numbers or divisions by 0 that we have to be "subtle".
Thanks! Can you give me an example where a limit exists but substituting would be wrong?
How about any place earlier than the penultimate line in the proof you are asking about?

As you were told, if a function is continuous, you can substitute; you can't substitute when it is not continuous, and in particular when it isn't even defined there.

In many instances of working out a limit, the process amounts to rewriting and simplifying until you get a new function that is equal to the original everywhere except the place where it previously was undefined, but now is defined and continuous there. Then you can substitute.
Thanks! Can you give me an example where a limit exists but substituting would be wrong?
Let f(x) be defined as "f(x)= 3x if x is not equal to 2 and f(2)= 0". Substituting" 2 for x gives 0 but the limit is 6.

Or let f(x)= sin(x)/x. Substituting 0 for x gives the "indeterminate" 0/0 but the limit is 1.

Or let f(x)= 0 if x< 1, f(x)= 5 if $x\ge 2$. Substituting 1 for x gives 5 but there is no limit.